Your Client Is The Hero

Your Client Is The Hero

Hero.The word conjures up battle scenes and struggles that determine the outcome of war. A classical Greek hero might be one born of a God, who struggles and performs extraordinary feats and then dies in an unusual manner…irony included…But there is another kind of...

How John Knew He Had A Business

We learn from losing.  “I was working in a public relations firm, and a partner of mine got a call to help with a presentation training gig for EHDD. They were going after the Fresno State Library project. So, we flew down to Fresno and went straight from the...
Hero Series – John Glenn

Hero Series – John Glenn

The Grateful Warrior…. On July 16, 1957, John Glenn made the first supersonic transcontinental flight. In 1962, During Friendship 7, the first orbital fight for the USA, he carried a note on the flight which read, “I am a stranger. I come in peace. Take me to...
Hero Series – Jonas Salk

Hero Series – Jonas Salk

Polio. Just the word itself struck fear in the hearts of Americans in the early 50’s. The largest public health hazard in the history of our country was infecting over 50,000 people a year and was considered the biggest threat after the atomic bomb. Most of its...
Hero Series – Martha Graham

Hero Series – Martha Graham

It’s permitting life to use you in a very intense way. Sometimes it is not pleasant. Sometimes it is fearful. But nevertheless it is inevitable. -Martha Graham Martha Graham broke barriers. Reinterpretation of the classics is fine, but sometimes we need heroes...
Hero Series – Muhammad Ali

Hero Series – Muhammad Ali

Many of you don’t know that Muhammad Ali had a Louisville cop to thank for his interest in boxing…Cassius Clay was first directed toward boxing by Louisville police officer and boxing coach Joe E. Martin, who encountered the 12-year-old fuming over a thief having...